In the summer of 2023, The VSP Group had the distinct pleasure of collaborating with HYPE on an ambitious NFL campaign aimed at showcasing their exciting new collections developed in partnership with the NFL. Our involvement was pivotal, beginning with the creation of a compelling campaign video. We partnered with Loughborough Academy, leveraging their connections with Academy NFL players to bring authenticity and energy to the project.
Our role extended well beyond video production. We meticulously managed the entire social and digital marketing strategy for the campaign, ensuring every aspect of the promotion was executed seamlessly. This comprehensive approach included designing and deploying engaging social media teasers that captivated the audience and built anticipation. Additionally, we orchestrated a full spectrum of digital marketing efforts, from targeted online ads to strategic content placements, ensuring a cohesive and impactful presence across all digital channels.
By integrating our creative video content with a robust digital marketing strategy, we were able to amplify the campaign’s reach and effectiveness, driving substantial engagement and excitement around HYPE’s latest NFL collections.